How's your year been going so far? 

Whether it has exceeded your expectations or not gone at all the way you'd hoped at the start of the year, it is important to take the time to assess where you've been, where you want to go, and how to get there from here.

That's exactly what we're going to do together in this hands-on workshop!

I'm going to take you on a "roadtrip" through the past several months, then we'll look ahead towards our big goals and dreams for the future, and then bring it back to the present and tie it all together.

I'm going to teach you a unique and practical way to make an action plan to get shit done so you feel really good about the work you're doing.

It's going to be fun, inspiring and very hands-on.

Get instant access and jump right in.

In this workshop, you will learn to:

Create the structure, clarity and focus you need to energize your work.

Look at your goals and dreams for the future and know which actions to focus on now to turn them into a reality.

Start each week with a clear roadmap, knowing exactly what needs to be done and when.

Feel refreshed with a renewed sense of purpose.

This workshop will help you get unstuck, get organized, and get motivated to keep moving forward in your business.

Get The Power of Planning for just

What's Included in the Workshop 

Your fillable workbook to use during the workshop and beyond

Step by step strategies to help you plan, organize, and prioritize your workweek

A Guided Visualization to help you focus on your goals and dreams and start making them a reality

A way to recharge your work, starting... now!

What happy participants are saying...
My weakness is planning. I need it, but hate doing it. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants and make quick decisions and figure it out as I go. I wasted a lot of time, being like that. This way of planning calms me down, forces me to ponder and get fresh less frantic ideas and then actually get them done.

-Karen Sturgeon
It's important for me to have a predictable routine, especially when I'm in charge of my own schedule. This has helped me establish a nice routine and taught me the foundational skills for how to do it.

-Sara Tate
I actually get something done! It definitely keeps me accountable and fixed to the time period I know I have to do my work and that's super helpful.

-Julie L.
I've learned that I definitely do better when I have structure and some sort of plan going into my day instead of just winging it. Having never been a solopreneur before this is a learning curve for sure, but this tool has definitely helped with that.

If I hadn't followed the strong nudge to do this, I would have remained stuck on that darn hamster wheel of overthinking everything and taking very little action.

-Trish R.

About your host

I am a course creator, strategist and mentor. I help heart-centered solopreneurs get organized in their businesses. I help them take small, consistent steps to get shit done and feel really good about what they're doing.

My goal for this workshop is for you to leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized to take action.

Now is the perfect time to review what you've been doing so far this year and take the time to refresh your ideas and refocus on what you want to achieve.

Contact information

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Full payment is due at the time of purchase.

You will have instant access to the workshop and workbook upon purchase.

Due to the digital nature of this workshop, all sales are final. No refunds.
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Find everything at a glance, stay organized, save time, and focus on what matters most - in both your business and personal life.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Here's a reminder of what's included:

Your fillable workbook to use during the workshop and beyond

Step by step guidance to help you plan, organize, and prioritize your workweek

A Guided Visualization to help you focus on your goals and dreams and start making them a reality

Create the structure, clarity and focus you need to energize your work.

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Power of Planning Workshop$97

All prices in USD
